Harley Farms Goat Dairy | Pescadero

The white wooden gate to the garden swung shut, the metal latch clanging against itself.  It's was an unusually warm day in Pescadero - 80 degrees and sunny.  So warm in fact, that when our tour guide shooed the goats out of the loafing barn to say hi, half of them immediately turned back around once her shooing stopped to return to the shade.  The other half was so excited to see us that they all peed at the same time, in a row.  We were at Harley Goat Farms in Pescadero for the adult-only tour of the farm and it had already exceeded my expectations.

Reflections on Growth & Looking Good in the Process

I recently read an article in Haven Magazine that questioned whether we can look great and grow at the same time (their answer was no).  I think there may be the select few who can do both, like the people who look fresh after a long red eye international flight.  I am not one of them.  After a long flight I have dark bags under my eyes, blotchy skin, and disheveled hair.  I fail to gracefully get my overstuffed carry on baggage from the overhead bin and I yawn as I pass the flight attendants saying, "Thank you."  No bueno.